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Anthony Vineyards, Inc. Joins The Movement to Build The World’s Safest Food Supply Chain Adopting The Free iTrade Traceability Campaign

April 22, 2020

AnthonyVineyards, Inc. is the latest customer to pick up the food safety mantle andjoin iTrade’s iTracefresh program. Asthe leading global provider of supply chain software for the food and beverageindustry, iTrade is pioneering efforts to build the world’s safest and mostcomprehensive global food supply chain. To underline its commitment toguaranteeing the safety of our food, it has removed all barriers to adoption,offering the iTracefresh traceabilitysuite to any supplier’s, or indeed any buyer’s, entire supplier portfolio forthe first year – free of charge. 

“Traceability is more important than ever,and it will give us a leg up in expanding our business with new and currentcustomers. As a family company, ensuring that our customers have confidence inthe safety of our food is incredibly important to us. We are excited to jointhe world’s safest food supply chain and use traceability as a strategicdifferentiator,” comments Justin McGowan, Director of Administration at AnthonyVineyards, Inc.

In addition to protecting a supplier’s brandsduring recalls and enabling critical downstream supply chain visibility,iTrade’s traceability solutions help grow its customers’ businesses. Data froma yearlong pilot with a major industry buyer showed that suppliers adopting iTradetraceability increased their trading volumes by an average of 55 percent injust 12 months. Additionally, a sample of just four new growers added acombined $10 million in revenue over the same period. 

“The world would be a better place if everyoneknew where their food came from,” says Rhonda Bassett-Spiers, CEO ofiTradeNetwork. “Consumers are choosing brands that can ensure the safety oftheir food and we are excited to have Anthony Vineyards, Inc. join us increating the world’s safest food supply chain.”

As an 18-year-old Italianimmigrant, Anthony A. Bianco bought and sold fresh produce from a pushcart inthe streets of New York City. His determination to succeed led him to open amarketing and distribution company on the New York Produce Market within only afew years. 24 yearslater, Anthony Bianco moved with his wife and 8 children to Fresno, Californiato be closer to the grapes and tree fruit that he would sell through his NewYork office. In 1950, he founded Bi-Mor Farms and Bianco Fruit Corporation tomarket his produce. By 1958, he had earned national prominence and wasproclaimed, "Juice Grape King of the United States," by New YorkerMagazine. Following Anthony Bianco'sdeath in 1967, his 4 sons carried his vision forward founding Anthony Vineyardswith 160 acres of grapes. Today, with their land holdings at more than 6,500acres, the 2 youngest of the 4 - Domenick, or, "Cookie," and Robert,or, "Bobby," oversee the day-to-day operations of Anthony Vineyards,and count some of their own sons and daughters as employees, with yet anothergeneration entering the ranks.

Companiesinterested in adopting iTrade’s iTracefresh traceability suite and enjoying thefirst year, free of charge, should visit The promotional package includes two of iTrade’s products: its Produce Traceability Initiative (PTI)case labeling solution, and its Palletized Advanced Ship Notice(ASN) solution, Transit. Qualifying companies may also receive thefree field kit hardware package that includes a printer, two mobile devices,and 10,000 labels to help them get started on iTracefresh.